Crucial Things You Must know about Lifeline Program
Lifeline program, as defined by Issa Asad, is a service wherein telecommunication companies are supported by the federal. With this, telecommunication service providers are directed to provide discounts to their eligible customers. As a partner to the Universal Service Fund, clients who have proper eligibility qualifications can enrol to the program.
Lifeline program and its objective
Basically, lifeline is a federal program that aims to offer discounts in telephone services to low-earner subscribers. The program can benefit consumers in numerous way. Through this, they will be able to ensure a connection in the country’s communication networks, access healthcare services, find jobs, call for help in emergency cases and even connect with their family members including their children's schools.
Requirements for Eligibility
Each eligible household can just enjoy discount for a single telephone line, which implies either on a wireless or wireline service and never both services. Household is defined as a person or individuals who share income expenses at home. This will also include individuals at home even if not related by blood. Contacting the telecommunication service provider or directly contacting the designated state agency is the thing that needs to be done by qualifies households in order to avail for some discounts.
Lifeline program and its available advantages
Eligible households subscribers are qualified to monthly telephone discounts of up to $9.25. Currently, 2000 telephone service providers are given the authority to provide discounts to their subscribers. Increased benefits and state support are also granted to those qualified low-income consumers and those who live in federally recognized reservations as the Indian Tribe’s or colony.
Annual Re-Certification to Think about
An annual re-certification of eligibility is needed for households that receive a discount on their telephone services. Households get re-certification notifications through mails, text message or a telephone call for which they are required to respond to. Discontinuation of telephone discount and the chance of increase in the monthly telephone charges are parts of the sanctions imposed when the household will not respond upon the given due date.
Discount cancellation
Cancellation of the subscription to lifeline program can also be attributed to other factors apart from the failure of re-certification of discount eligibility. Among which includes the inability of household to utilize their discounts or free minutes in two months. A notification to the households to make use of the minutes within a grace period of 30 days will be given, failure to which will lead to discontinuation. In addition, eligibility to lifeline program will be terminated if a household subscribes to lifeline program with more than one phone number.